“Quien tenga Patria que la defienda. Y quien no la tenga, que la conquiste”. José Martí (1853-1895).

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Carlos Mccoy le escribe al alcalde de Nueva York

Mr. Bill de Blasio
New York City Mayor
Mr. de Blasio

It is imperative, when someone will comment on an issue, at least, have an idea of ​​what is involved. Especially if that opinion is without prejudice to the more important in a country as its economy.
When you call Americans to boycott the Dominican tourism, with the aim of punishing the Dominican Republic to establish a regulatory system of illegal immigrants, you are doing a disservice to those that you want to defend.
Did you know that a large percentage of workers in the tourism industry in the Dominican Republic are Haitians? So many they are, that the city of Veron, distant a few minutes from Punta Cana, the country's main tourist center, is inhabited almost entirely by Haitian citizens. Mostly illegal.
Did you know that agricultural products consumed by tourists who visit us, are harvested in our country by the hands of Haitian citizens? Mostly illegal
Did you know that if tourism falls in the Dominican Republic and construction of new hotels, villas and resorts stop know, that will suffer are mostly Haitian citizens, as they constitute the majority of construction workers?
Did you know that Haitians sent each year to relatives in Haiti, from his work in tourism, construction and agriculture, among other activities over US $ 400,000,000  (four hundred million) in remittances from the Dominican Republic?
The program regulating foreigners in our country, seeks to benefit those who are in an illegal situation.
For in that condition, they cannot legally access our health services, to demand that their labor rights are respected, education, vacation and a decent retirement.
I do not think it's a good idea to call for a boycott of Dominican tourism.
Admit that, in the rush to say, because we do not believe that for reasons of ethnic preferences, because we are one of the countries of America with a greater racial diversity, it erred in its assessment.
Rectify is wise.  Ask for an excuse to the people and the Dominican community in this city.
A community that in the last elections, mostly voted for you.

Carlos McCoy
American citizen, of Dominican descent, who 50 years ago came to this great nation meeting each and every one of the requirements demanded me by the USA authorities and five decades later I am still serving their laws.


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